Thursday, August 18, 2005

Things to do tomorrow

In no particular order:

1) Invoice Reader's Digest (Canada) for work this month, and possibly berate them for two missing payments.

2) Feed the cats my mother-in-law left with us by mistake when she moved to B.C.

3) Feed the guinea pigs.

4) Feed myself.

5) Gush over this snippet of e-mail from a former student: "Hope you're enjoying the summer. I gotta say, your Data Accessing class is proving to be one of the most useful courses ever."

6) Finish a screenplay review for TriggerStreet.

7) Start a treatment for the next rewrite of "101".

8) Brush teeth.

9) And maybe even shower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. finish my novel

2. put cream on my face

3. find an interesting cafe to write an article about

4. research the year of the pig

5. buy magazines

6. drink coffee

7. continue writing novel

8. drink tea

9. write some more

10 cry

March 3, 2007 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. buy champagne truffles

2. eat chocolate

3. drink apfelwein

4. have gelato

5. write a little

6. watch an indian movie

7. eat some more

8. take a bath

9. wash my punkett

10. go to sleep

March 3, 2007 2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. take a plank

2. smoke a cigarette

3. drink coffee

4. eat lunch

5. think about dinner

6 eat dinner

7. think about the next day's lunch

8. play computer

9. watch t.v.

10. galavanches

11. sleep

March 3, 2007 2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need more than the one fag, how about 3 cartons

June 26, 2007 10:44 AM  

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