Thursday, June 22, 2006

Alex's book launch

While Child Two wowed the audience at the school variety show with her version of the first scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", I attended Alex's Montreal book launch party. (That's the Host of Honour to the right in the photo.)

It was a fun party lubricated with drink coupons. I met a few people, including Michael Hentges, an upstanding gent whom I met in a screenwriting course and the last Netsurfer Digest writer I ever hired.

I spent most of the evening kibbitzing with screenwriter/bon vivant Doug Taylor. We schmoozed as a pair, more or less. We chatted quite a bit with freelance editor Katya - who was wearing a "Talk nerdy to me" T-shirt - and, yes, we did discuss punctuation. Good times....

I was unofficial photographer of the event so there are no photos of me there. I sent my photos to Alex - I suspect he'll stick them up on his Flickr account, at which point I'll point to them here.

In the meantime, you can watch a short my cousin produced for a 48-hour film fest, "Lost & Found: No Partner Like Mine". I think it's her voice you hear over the police radio.


Blogger Naila J. said...

Sounds like you had a super cool day!!!

And busy! :O

Too bad you missed Wil. It was a great event!

June 22, 2006 10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for the shout-out. You gonna be at poker night?


July 9, 2006 12:37 PM  

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