Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Good things

The guy who fixed my TV is Harry of Harry Magic Touch TV. It cost me $80 after taxes - peanuts! Harry doesn't have a Web page so unless you're looking specifically for him, you won't find him in a Web search.

He's a nice guy and a great repairman, though. He comes right to your home, so you don't have to schlep 75 pounds of malfunctioning electronics into and out of your car twice.

I thought I'd take adavantage of my unreasonably high Google PageRank and plug him for free. If you have a TV you need fixed, call him at 514-481-2702.

Hey, that's pretty close to the phone number of the house I grew up in: 487-2012 (and we didn't use area codes for local calls back then and we still used some rotary-dial phones and we liked it).

Another good thing without much of a Web presence is a tiny Oregon family farm called Gabrio's Organic Berries. I don't know much about their berries, but Elvi came back from Oregon with a jar of their pumpkin butter. Wow. If you have any taste for pumpkin pie, you need to get this. Actually, you need to avoid it. After trying this, all pumpkin pie will taste like ashes.

The Gabrio's pumpkin butter is so flavourful and moist it puts all pumpkin pie to shame.

Unfortunately, there's little point in telling you this unless you happen to be in the Eugene, Ore. greater metropolitan area because they have no Web site and presumably don't deliver. You can call them at 541-942-3217.

Now, I have to go write more free publicity so that I can feed my children bowls of air for supper.


Blogger Naila J. said...

Pumpkin butter?
I think I'm planning a trip to Oregon sometime soon...

October 17, 2007 9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, they do deliver. If you are interested please contact,
Jalynn @ (541) 510-8912

November 10, 2009 2:47 AM  

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