Saturday, February 23, 2008

Geek out!

This morning, I took Child Three and his sleepover friend to the park for some shinny hockey. He had a good workout, with several skill-appropriate players taking shots and breakaways.

He spent the rest of the afternoon at another friend's house while Child Two, the wife, and I attended a Geek Montreal get-together for an afternoon of gaming. I spent six hours playing Diplomacy while the wife picked up Child One, then Child Three, and played Illuminati in between.

Child Two enjoyed her time there, even though every time I saw her she was working on a school project. She wants to officially join the club.

Tomorrow is a busy day, with hockey to coach in the morning, errands to run in the afternoon, and an Oscars party in the evening. Monday, I start work in an actual TV writers' room. I'll be spending the next three weeks as a TV writer('s assistant). The odds we'll actually make it to production are about 50%, but even if that doesn't happen, this will be a valuable, if very moderately lucrative, experience.


Blogger elvi said...

After we finished Illuminati (which I inexplicably did not win), we moved on to Thief, a cool game being developed by a Montreal geek and also by everyone who plays it. Check it out at Organic Games.

February 23, 2008 10:48 PM  
Blogger Naila J. said...

TV? Writing assistant?
Good luck!

February 24, 2008 9:48 AM  

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