Friday, November 07, 2008


I play hockey Friday nights at the new LCC rink. (LCC, short for Lower Canada College, is a private school here in NDG.)

Tonight, somebody broke into our dressing rooms and stole about $700. I lost $95, but at least the thieves left our wallets, all cards, and car keys. I'm glad that I chose to only take $100 instead of the $200 I was thinking of that morning at the ATM.

I can't help but admire the ballsiness of the thieves.

The layout at LCC differs from most rinks. The benches (brown) are across a hallway from the dressing rooms, but to get to the benches, you pass through standard doors (D) in a standard wall.

Normally, if a dressing room is robbed, the thieves enter an unlocked room, or break a lock, or enter through the dressing room attached to a shared shower room. We padlocked our dressing rooms and the bathrooms at that rink are not shared. The locks on the doors, we found after our game, were not broken but opened with our own keys.

The thieves stealthily lifted our keys from our benches while we were engrossed in our hockey. None of us saw the keys taken.

The arena has security cameras, which should have captured images of the perpetrators. With any luck, the thieves will be LCC students, making them easily identifiable and found. If they're not, I don't have much hope of recovery, or revenge.

It's probable, I'd say, that the culprits are LCC students. Professional thieves would have made off with more than just the cash, and LCC students have been known to fall on the wrong side of the law now and then.


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