One more tied end
Remember my Amazon credit? I decided to buy a camcorder and have it delivered to Elvi's sister in the Bay Area. I bought a Canon Z900, which Consumer Reports highly rates.
I'm surprised that consumer-level camcorders (in the $200-$300 range) still rely so much on tape. I'd have guessed that most of them would have memory stored on chips or hard drives by now, but that technology remains a step up the cost ladder.
Oh, yeah - and Child Two got her ears pierced in California.
I'm surprised that consumer-level camcorders (in the $200-$300 range) still rely so much on tape. I'd have guessed that most of them would have memory stored on chips or hard drives by now, but that technology remains a step up the cost ladder.
Oh, yeah - and Child Two got her ears pierced in California.
Does she seem more grown up to you now?
Not until she's taller than me, so I have two or three years left.
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