Thursday, April 09, 2009

Passover 2.0

The traditional Haggadah with the red and yellow cover is chock full of rabbinical and Talmudic commentary that's so boring and, frankly, pointless. Several years ago, Elvi took it upon herself to edit a Haggadah for our family, and it's a great hit. It covers all the salient points of the holiday, keeps all prayers and parts of the seder, adds songs, but disperses with the tedious debates.

It's a big hit, and is spreading. Maybe we should publish it....

All that is preamble, really, to Passover 2.0, "Moses is Departing Egypt: A Facebook Haggadah". It's a hoot.

Our own departure was ridden with minor plagues, but I weathered them well. We got in the Continental line at Trudeau/Dorval airport and an airline rep for Northwest asked us if we were on the 6:00 a.m. flight to Detroit. I knew we were on a 6:00 flight, but I didn't know our intermediate destination. He asked us to follow him to the Northwest line. I thought it was odd, since I knew we were flying Continental, but it was 5:00 a.m. and I hadn't slept at all that night. So we followed him.

Of course, the Northwest system couldn't find our flight, and neither could the extremely fetching counter lady at the Northwest desk. The original Northwest guy figured out that I'm an idiot and redirected us to the Continental desk, but told us to use the first-class line to avoid the queue.

At the Continental desk, the same fetching lady took care of us, She explained she works for both airlines. It was, however, her first week, possibly day, on the job and it took a while and the help of two other agents to get us checked in. I didn't mind.

US Customs provided the next delay. A couple two spots ahead of us in the line for our official proved a little too suspicious and the agent (officer?) took a while interviewing them before personally guiding them to the interrogation and strip-search chamber. When it was our turn, he sent us right through without asking to see the pointless permission slip I need to carry to "prove" Elvi allows me to take the kids across the border.

We switched planes in Cleveland, as it turned out, and only had to wait about 37 seconds to board our next flight. THe timing was unusually perfect, but we had one more delay to wait out. About 15 minutes out of Houston, a passenger on our plane fell ill two rows ahead of us. There was a doctor on board, and a nurse, and fortunately the emergency wasn't too serious. From what I overheard, I suspect the patient was a diabetic with low blood sugar. Upon docking at the gate in Houston, we had to wait for the paramedics to remove the patient before we could debark.

More on this vacation later, perhaps. There's not much to write about - and that's a good thing.


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