Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Networking at work

So my dad has a cousin in Israel, whose daughter knows some people, and word filtered through the mishpochah that I should send a book back up that chain.

Today comes word that my book is in the possession of Uzi Dayan - yes, son of Moshe - and is bound for the hands of the commander of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Eliezer Shkedy.

That's something, I suppose. I hope one of them buys a book from me.

In other writing news, a wannabe producer wants me to write a script on spec for him. I'm a wannabe writer not making any money writing for myself, so I figure at worst it'll improve my writing and give me an impetus to write. I've been finding it hard to put fictional words down between school and work.

I'm not at liberty to discuss the topic of this spec publicly, but it's the story of an American artist of sorts in the '30s. I have a box of books on my subject to tackle before I start outlining. Wish me luck.

Bonus thoughts on the power of illuminated pumpkins:

I'm home while the wife and children go trick or treating in Pointe Claire. Usually, they all go out and I stay home and man the candy bowl. Normally, we get dozens of kids. This year, we're still in the single digits as of this post.

Our front of our house is well decorated with cobwebs (real and fake), pumpkins, and plastic decorations - but we didn't carve any pumpkins. I wonder if the lack of that singular symbol is keeping kids away.


Blogger Naila J. said...

No pumpkin means no candy :(

Sorry dude!

(Although I would have tried anyway)

October 31, 2007 11:29 PM  
Blogger Alex Epstein said...

"A producer wants me to write a spec for him..."

The ONLY circumstances that I would recommend you do that is if it is clear that you OWN the script after you write it. If it's his idea, then he gets a ONE YEAR OPTION, but signs (quitclaims, on paper) all rights over to you.

Do NOT write a script for free that someone else has veto power over. It costs them nothing to ask you to do it, and it costs you several months of hard work. That creates a moral hazard. If they can't be bothered to cough up a little money -- even a thousand bucks -- then there is a very large danger that they are not really that serious about it. And you end up with a script you can't sell.

November 1, 2007 12:01 PM  

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