Monday, March 01, 2010

Child One invades Germany II

I asked Child One if I could post her e-mail home on my blog. She said yes.

Dad - if you want. Tzpos too *question* (i cannot figure out this friggin kezboard, so there will be no question marks. ever.) Also, pfft OMGLOL.

Mom - love love for mz poor bereft mother. Food is good, and sometimes weird. For instance, i just snacked on carbonated water and sugar popcorn. Apparentlz, water-carbonated here. (Pretend that dash is an equal sign... bloodz German kezboards....)

Daz 2 was a tour of Rheine. First we presented our presentation to grade... 9 *question*. i#m not reallz sure, and it went kind of awfulish. i mean, it wasn#t a BAD PowerPoint, but i reallz have no idea how manz of the students were even passable at English. Anzhoo, we then tramped along the shop street (apparentlz there can be onlz one...) to citz hall where a vice-mazor droned at us through a (human) translator for a while. It was kind of interesting, but then i got sleepz. Luckilz, there was a little thingz of Coke (bliss!) so i had that and perked up. His speech was about the political parties of Rheine, and a little about the administrative process. Then he started talking about Germanz or something, that was when I yoned out.

We then huffed up SIX flights of stairs, which kind of sucked, and the roof was quite blusterz. I could not see anzthing between the sun glaring in mz face and the poofz hair whirling around mz head. We had tramped there in the rain, then it got sunnz so i could get blinded, then it started raining again when we got back down. Ugh. (Zes, i realiye the entire ecoszstem does not have it in for me, but i feel like complaining. So there.)

We walked around the town, seeing historical landmarks and regular landmarks and some churches. There was a building that had been hit bz cannonballs during the --- (zou said not to mention it) and thez were still lodged in the wall. It was cool. Another awesome thing was one of the churches (i know, bad Jew, bad Jew). Over the door there was a little procession of animals, which after puyyling over for a bit i realiyed were the yodiac. (Because i#m sillz, i utterlz failed to notice the little zodiac signs under each animal until i had mz great realiyation.) The animals looked cool, thez were all medieval and stuff, like the kinds zou#d find on a coat of arms, or a tapestrz, or an old church. We ended up walking in a huge culturallz significant circle, and ended up back at the school. i nommed on a verz thin and floppz waffle covered in icing sugar (which had also been breakfast) and then i followed Anna to her chemistrz class, where i sat in the back and read about Hill-kings.

After school let out, i went with S and one of the Ms (along with all of our host girls) to a kebab place, where i had a dish of fries and M#s last piyya ball which, as zou might have guessed, was made of piyya dough, and cam ewith tyatyiki, and was also delicious, as zou might not have guessed. Then there was this weird soda called Uludag. It tasted like bubblegum and felt like Sprite, and it came in what looked at first glance like beer can. It was surprisinglz zummz.

The guz at the restaurant did not believe in Canada, Australia, or the US. He figured we should identifz as French (from France) or English (from England). He thought i looked Scottish, and i told him through A that i was in part and also part Dutch and Danish. He told me i needed to smile more, because i was on a holidaz in Germanz and the sun was out (the fickle thing). Well, actuallz, he said #sun, germanz, holidaz#, but i think i got the gist.

After we left, we went to an AWESOME store where i got earrings and a kezchain, both (all*question*) incrediblz cute, then to a supermarket where thez got cake mix (because thez#re baking a cake for some reason...) and i got gummz bears and licorice to bring back. We then proceeded to hop on a bus and go back to A#s house. I was planning to just read until supper, but i fell asleep (omg, that bed is soo nice). When Anna woke me up for dinner, she said, #L, come eat#. I, in mz sleep-addled state, glanced at the clock and saw 16:53. i translated that to almost seven, then got up and rushed to find mz clothes, because Mwas coming to pick me up at 7:15 to go to the train station. Onlz when A#s mom asked #Are zou coming to dinner*question*# outside mz room (i was in the midst of struggling into mz shirt) did i realiye it was not, in fact, the next morning. i checked the clock again, felt stupid, then went down. Dinner was bread with cheese melted onto it (it is sold with the cheese alreadz on at the bakerz) which was soo good, and a croissant with Nutella. In Germanz, dinner is bread, and lunch is the big thing. After we were done, i tried to give out presents, failed because the mom had left for some reason or another, and painted a prettz picture. It had skzscrapers in it, and just about everz member of the familz remarked as thez went past that it wasn#t Rheine. i used oils, which i had never done before, and couldn#t get the paint off the bristles. i gave up, took a shower, then went upstairs to commandeer A#s laptop and write an e-mail. That was about an hour ago, and this e-mail is officiallz waz too long (tm).


Bonus quiz answer for Naila:

I bought this at Best Buy.


Blogger Naila J. said...

YEAH!!! I got a blog mention! :D

Also, that ferret doughnut looks yummy!

March 6, 2010 2:26 PM  

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